How to create a tag table list like in the classical TiddlyWiki?

I just recently switched from the classical TW to the new V5. I used the old system for more than 15 years thus I got some strong habits and ideas about what is a “perfect” layout :wink:
In particular there is one feature from the old system what I miss: having an automated list of tiddlers for a certain tag where not only title but also modification date is shown. Further it was possible to display that list in several columns and sort that list on the fly with a small topbar menu.

Is there any plugins, template, … which mimics this old layout?

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I think you refer to the “taggly-tagging” footer in TWc. There is no equivalent plugin like this one.

But there are some threads, that discuss ViewTemplate extensions that list tags in the tiddler footer.

The column layout and the custom sorting isn’t supported, but the tagging list is available in the “new” MPTW, see here.

If you look at the $:/Mptw5/TaggingList tiddler there you might get some ideas how to tweak how the list appears. For example, to see the modified date for each tiddler in the list, put something this inside the <li> tag.

<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY"/>

Ok I get the idea, the MPTW server is not reachable.
In general it cannot be a simple HTML list element if the aim is a flexible multicolumn table structure. I will look in table templates for tiddlers…

Ok, this is my solution:

<$list filter="[tag[admin]!sort[modified]]">
     <$link>{{!!title}}</$link> - <$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY"/>

gives a list of “admin” tiddlers, sorted by decending date. Unfortunately only one column :wink:

$:/ has a .multi-column setup.

<div class="multi-columns">

<$list filter="[tag[Welcome]!sort[modified]]">


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You can specify the number of columns using inline CSS directly on the <ul> element, like this:

<ul style="columns:3;">

Also, you can write


more compactly as just


which defaults to using the current tiddler title as the link text.



Thanks! Having the flexibility to include any kind of html/css code the options must be endless - unless you know all the css classes and style definitions…

For my basic understanding of the syntax other than html/css codes:

<<name  >> is a macro?
{{!!name}} is a variable ?
$name is a field?
<<name ... >>

is a macro, procedure, or variable reference. The number and type of parameters depends on the specific macro/procedure being used.


is a tiddler field reference. If tiddlername is omitted, the current tiddler is assumed. if !!fieldname is omitted, the text field is assumed.

<$widgetname ...>...</$widgetname>
<$widgetname .../>

is a widget invocation. Some widgets ignore their contents so the <$... /> “short form” syntax can be used. This is similar to some HTML syntax, such as <p/>, <hr/>, <img src=... />, etc. Also, some widgets only use their contents as a “fallback”, such as <$transclude $tiddler="SomeTitle">show this if SomeTitle is missing</$transclude>. If no fallback content is desired, the short form <$transclude $tiddler="SomeTitle"/> can be used.

{{{ [...] }}}

is a “filtered transclusion”. The contents within the square brackets uses a sequence of “filter operators”, variables and/or tiddler field references to assemble a subset of tiddler titles or other values by progressively selecting or modifying titles or values. Some widgets or macros/procedures also take filter syntax as parameter values to be applied.


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Thanks! I will make a tiddler of this answer in my PC notebook :wink: