How to create a button to fold all toc-selective-expandable

Hi guys,

It’s possible to create a button to fold all the lateral sidebar toc-selective-expandable i have open?

The tiddlywiki I am working on now is so big that it has become a navigation problem

Thanks in advance!!


Try adding this into your wiki

<$button actions='<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[all[tiddlers]prefix[$:/state/toc/TableOfContents]]"/>'>
Collapse TOC"

This deletes all of the state tiddlers that have been created when a toc item has been expanded. You may have to tweak the filter depending on what the path is to your TOC… Use the Advance search to check what state tiddlers are created when you click on a TOC item…


Hi Christian,

Thank you for your reply!

How can i filter the state tiddlers in the advanced search?

This looks similar to my earlier question How to not include Table of Contents state tiddlers when saving a single file wiki?


I suddenly feel I know a new language by looking at this =)

D&D means you suddenly know all those words already.

But joking aside, this one may help:

<$list filter = "[all[tiddlers]!is[system]!sort[]tag[I-Weapon]]">
<$action-navigate $to={{!!title}}/>
open tiddlers

It opens all tiddlers with a certain tag, or more general match a certain filter. I-Weapon in this case.

In combination with the close all button found under tools you can for example open all species or classes or feats or spells at once, if they are limited to a few hundred or so.

This way you can close all, then select what you want open.

May not work perfectly, but it may help.

I have also made a one page index tiddler to help with navigation.

Edit: clarification, this is not an answer to the original question, but something I found useful while working on something similar.

Wow, this can really help! Thanks for sharing @vuk

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Thank you! Now i can made some tests and undestand Tiddlywiki better

Yep, but this is the 1993 version! I translated the old CD Core Rules to my mother language, tiddlywiki fit so well with all the transclusion and links

Thank you for the little trick, i will try to use.