How to combine : $list + filter + field + variable

Hi TW-Friends,

I am struggling with a filter definition.
If I use this one everything is fine the right tiddler will be shown:
<$list filter="[field:created[20240828220351513]]">

If I use this, also fine, the result is as expected in two lines:

<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]removeprefix<td-basePath>removeprefix[/state/]sort[]]" variable=prj>



Now I want to generate a list out of each value in <<prj>>ant fail:

<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]removeprefix<td-basePath>removeprefix[/state/]sort[]]" variable=prj>

<$list filter="[field:created[<<prj>>]]"/>


What is wrong with this <$list filter="[field:created[<<prj>>]]"/> ?

Thanks in advance

Try this [field:created<prj>]

Variable inside filters use single <> as do field transclusions {!!fieldanem} and when used as a parameter you do not need the the [] as delimiters as they are already delimited with the single < or {

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Outside filters the double braces are needed to separate it from html <<varormacro>> from <htmltags>

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Thank you @TW_Tones, for the fast solution and explanation.
As old Assembler developer I am still fighting with the grammar of this language.

It was necessary to remove the space before created.
Here the complete solution to complete the documentation:

<$list filter="[field:created<prj>]"/>

Thank you …

Unfortunately Discourse has a habit of inserting spaces where we dont want them even inside code block.

Depending on your access you can edit others replies to correct this, and leave a note there in. I just edited mine :nerd_face: