How to change color of text in a Markdown tiddler?

I have TW 5.2.2 in a file on a network drive. I use Windows 11. I don’t use anything fancy for TW, just the HTML file.

I have a Markdown tiddler. I read some of the markdown at Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation but it’s pretty basic markdown. Only a standard Tiddlywiki tiddler supports the CSS in the Stylesheet. I have a style in the Stylesheet called “.fontred”.

I did a bit of Google searching and have not come across my answer as pertains to Markdown.

How do I change the color of text in a Markdown, not TW, tiddler? I just want to change some text to red.

EDIT: Nevermind. I used this: <span style="color:red;">This is red text.</span> for inline text to be red. A Markdown tiddler will still interpret HTML. Huzzah!


Have you tried @@ syntax?

I think we can use most of the tiddlywiki features in markdown now.

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I tried @@ syntax and it doesn’t work in 5.2.2 in a Markdown tiddler. It does work in the same TW in a tiddler which uses Tiddlywiki markup.