I don’t have any plans to move to obsidian. Just that I want to make sure that the notes which I create last longer. That’s why I just wanted to try out markdown tiddlers in TW. ( only for the notes part)
I don’t have the skills to make obsidian work like I want it to be…but Tiddlywiki can be made into whatever form I want it to look like…the good thing is that even if I use markdown for notes in TW, all other customisation which I have made till now will still work. Non programmer like me will any day prefer tw over obsidian if we need own custom app and solutions.
I guess you are referring to grossinger.
Are you using obsidian for any purpose? I have tried out many apps since 2020…tw, remnote, obsidian, logseq, tana, dendron…tw suits me better than anything else …may be because I have experimented more in TW and have some confidence that I can do something on my own or hack someone else’s solutions to suit mine using TW…