How to add support for webp as an external image?

How can I add the option to import a webp as an external image to my wiki? There are options for other image types, but when I try a .webp it doesnt show it. I am trying to use the option described under “Manually Creating External Images” here: on node.js, tiddlywiki version 5.3.2

If nothing else you can revert to plain html

![Description of the image](upload://1Ii0jSqBOLORqNmGGbuGkj0jicO.webp)

Description of the image


just use _canonical_uri = and manually set the type to image/webp

So, I suppose the natural follow-up question is:

Where can we add something to the drop-down menu for the type field?

(For my part, I’d like to add application/pdf as well, and always end up typing it manually.)

Also, the webp image type should probably be added here at

(pdf is already listed there, even though it’s not in the drop-down default set of options.)

Thanks! It turned out I just placed the .webp version of the image in the wrong folder. Apologees for the simple question.


The types popup is populated with this list:

<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group-sort]]'>

excerpt from $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/type


I found this post and following the instructions worked for me. Instead of group:2 I did group: Image and it showed up with the images.


For TW to auto-detect certain file extinsions like .webp they have to be registered internally at bootup.

.webp is already registered, but there is no type-selector tiddler because it would be too many. But it’s easy to create them.

eg: jpeg looks like this.

title: $:/language/Docs/Types/image/jpeg
description: JPEG image
name: image/jpeg
group: Image
group-sort: 1

So if you create a tiddler where the last element of the title is webp and there is a proper description, group and group-sort field you are good to go.

The only ting that has to be defined is the name. It must be a file type registered at IANA mime-types.

Which is image/webp for webp.

So if you create a tiddler as follows you should be good to go. It seems group-sort does not matter, which for me is no problem.

title: $:/language/Docs/Types/image/webp
description: WEBP image
name: image/webp
group: Image
group-sort: 1

@Springer application/pdf is also registered at startup. So it should be easy to create an element for the type-dropdown using the same mechanism