How to add a "created" and "modified" dates on tiddlers?

Greetings to the TW Community.

Please see the image reference below. How do you do this?

The reason I’m asking is that I’m using the journaling (i.e., "journal button) feature in TW and it’s not very descriptive to have a title to be a bunch of dates and times. But then again, if it’s titled descriptively, that is, a title apt for its contents, I’ll lose the ability to organize the tiddlers by date.

So I guess my solution to this is to have a descriptive title on a tiddler and then show the dates it was created and modified on the tiddler itself. I was looking into other TWs for solutions and I found the TW below.

Edit: a typo on the image. it should be “How [to]” not “How [do]”.

By default, the TWCore displays the date on which each tiddler was last modified.

This is done by the $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle/modified shadow tiddler, which you can find by searching in the $:/AdvancedSearch > Shadows tab. If you open this tiddler, you will see the following line:

<$view field="modified" format="date" template={{$:/language/Tiddler/DateFormat}}/>

The easiest way to show both the “created” and “modified” dates for a tiddler is to change the content shown above to

Created <$view field="created" format="date" template={{$:/language/Tiddler/DateFormat}}/><br/>
Updated <$view field="modified" format="date" template={{$:/language/Tiddler/DateFormat}}/>

Thank You for this, @EricShulman :slight_smile:

I was already displaying the Created field, but after seeing this post decided to also add the Modified field.