How is tiddlywiki different from moodle or Wordpress in terms of technical features?

How is tiddlywiki different from moodle or Wordpress in terms of technical features?

For me one of tiddlywiki’s killer features is:

1 file + any browser = 1 wiki



They are w in a totally different leagues to each other;

WordPress and moodle are Content Management systems with pages and posts.

TiddlyWiki is a sophisticated application in a browser which could replace the above except perhaps when multi-user, but its capabilities for almost everything else is higher, if not a little more hands on.

  • Single file tiddlywikis are portable the Moodle and WordPress no so

In some ways you question is like;

How is an 18 wheel Semi-trailer (truck) different from a Ferrari?

I could tell you but I don’t think that is the question to ask.

All three are sophisticated, extensible and based in internet standards.

Ask yourself what do you want to do, then and only then choose.



My first reaction to your post was that you are 100% right, however a little thought made me question that.

Wordpress and Tiddlywiki both give you the ability to parcel information into posts or tiddlers. Both have tags and search facilities and allow you to link one post to another.

I think I would have to test it out by choosing to run a wordpress site as a personal wiki knowledge base, I don’t think I would care to try though - something tells me it would not be as good as Tiddlywiki in that role. Also has the wordpress community invested so much effort in plugins that facilitate the wiki/knowledge base role? For instance does Wordpress have a plugin to automatically add bi directional back links?

Either way the fact that I would not choose to waste my time trying to mangle a wordpress site into an imitation Tiddlywiki tells me that my first reaction to your post is the one I would say is correct in the practical world and like you I value the portability of Tiddlywiki. Perhaps your analogy was correct after all, a ‘ferrari’ and a ‘semi’ both get you from A to B but the ride will not be the same.