How find-in-page-plugin should works nicely with CodeMirror Search and Replace?

Hi Devs,

Tiddlywiki have plugin called CodeMirror Search and Replace which is very nice and use-full plugin when working inside CodeMirror (e.g. Tiddler’s Edit mode)!

As I prefer workgin with TiddlyDesktop over Chrome, so I am using plugin called find-in-page-plugin / highlight-searched-text!

Now find-in-page-plugins works well e.g. Ctrl + F to seach and Ctrl + G / Shift + Ctrl + G to find next / previous.

As find-in-page-plugins not works inside tiddler’s edit mode… So How can is tell the find-in-page-plugins that when in Tiddler edit mode / when focus is in code-editor’s window then it’s must not works other-wise it’s must works.

Note: Basically both plugins have same standerd short-cut which are conflicting…

How to solve the problem please!

I have working project under this:

Thans in advanced!

You can define / change your shortcuts here:

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Thanks for providing the suggestion, Yeah there is an option to change confilicting short-cuts through Keyboard Shortcuts tab.

But I prefer stander standers short-cuts e.g. Ctrl + F, Ctrl + G, Ctrl + Shift + G for both within CodeMirror and outside of CodeMirror.

I am more like finding out custom codding / tiddlywiki development to solve the problem!