How do you use pandoc with TiddlyWiki?

I mostly use pandoc for processing HTML and Markdown files with some occasional epub generation. But sometimes I find myself looking at pandoc to convert between markdown, tid, and HTML for various reasons.

For example there is this md2tid.lua filter, but I find it doesn’t quite create a tid that imports nicely into TiddlyWiki. I think it’s important to distinguish between converting the underlying markdown syntax and merely using tid files as a container for markdown. The later seems more useful since then you are not needlessly converting the underlying syntax.

I have always being keen to contribute to the development of a converter between TiddlyWiki Wiki Text and an appropriate markup or down in pandoc so we can participate in the whole eco system.

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What shortcomings have you discovered?

I have at times used a tiddlywiki plugin I wrote at one point that converts markdown to tiddlywiki via HTML and is based on the turndown library, though it would need a comprehensive rewrite to make it work via the commandline in a browserless environment.

function Emph(s)
  return "''" .. s .. "''"

This should be using // for italics. Also when you import the resulting output.tid, it does not have created and modified fields.