How do you save?

I have used and not used TW5 for a while My largest hurdle is saving I wanted to ask how others save their TW5 to understand better a way I might as well.

I found the bidix.php script the easiest way back in the day in a simple RasPi Web server.
I have tried Tiddly Desktop as well as a variety of other ways to incorporate TW5 into my routines

I always end up back at issues with saving.

I look forward to hearing how everyone is doing this these days and thank you very much for your help.

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Timimi makes saving almost as easy as when we had TiddlyFox.

If you have a server that can serve up webdav, then that’s a great way too.

With the rclone executable, desktops and some devices can have a really easy, webdav instance for serving up your TW “farm”.

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Chrome and Timimi.

I’ve developed the habit of refreshing the tab if the browser has been running and a the TW has not been accessed for a couple of days - I had a couple of isolated instances where Timimi did not act right, probably because of the way Chrome handles idle tabs. But as soon as I refreshed the tab, it was all back to normal.

I use tiddlywiki on nodejs (so the saving is automatic), and I create backup with git.

I prefer the options that save individual tiddlers.

Node is the best, but I want support for multiple wikis. WebDAV is interesting, but lagging support for the protocol due to security issues, and saves the entire wiki every time.

I made a modification to TiddlyBucket, a Go TiddlyWeb server, to support multiple wikis called Tiddlyverse (GitHub - fkmiec/tiddlyverse: A multi-wiki tiddlyweb server for TiddlyWiki written in Go.). I host it on a Raspberry Pi Model B (512MB), and it’s pretty snappy. I’d like to host it in the cloud, which TiddlyBucket supports, but for now the changes for multiple wikis are only implemented for file and I’m happy to host it on my ancient Raspberry Pi, with nightly backup to GitHub, on the cheap.

Previously Firefox and Timimi, now Chrome and Timimi.

I use the RCX app on Android to serve it via WebDAV. You can choose to make it available to the local network as well.

  • Mostly Timimi local files
  • Various tiddlyhost wikis
  • Multiple github hosted single file wikis
  • Mostly on windows 11 desktop
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Mostly Timimi now as well. Was using the .aspx SharePoint method but IT shut that down. Sometimes TiddlyHost, sometimes GitHub, sometimes Bob.

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  • If you want workarounds, to sharepoint send me a private message

I wrote myself a Windows Batch Script to pick up named files from my download folder and place them in the configured folders. Everytime I save I run a shortcut on my desktop that puts the files in the right place. I also designed it so it can put it in more than one place such as my personal NAS where the supported image files are and Dropbox for mobile phone accessability.

Existing solutions at the time I started using TiddlyWiki in 2017 wouldn’t get past my works security policy so I wrote this for both work and home use.

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I use Node.js and git. I only rarely end up with single-file wikis, and that’s mostly for trying out a quick technique and then throwing it away. I like the granularity of saving the individual tiddlers. But note that the work I am doing with TiddlyWiki is somewhat unusual, as I’m writing not for my own consumption but mostly for others. For these (non-editing) users, I tend to serve the work up as single-file wikis on GitHub/GitLab Pages, through an NPM build script.

I would like to some day build an automated git commit on every save or every few minutes, and in some cases an automated push to a GitLab/GitHub/Other centralized server. But this hasn’t made it very far up my to-do list. So for now, git commits and pushes are entirely ad hoc.

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This sounds a lot like Polly:


Oh I also want to do something like that !
I am also wondering if it is possible to build some plugin that would allow the user see the history of modifications of a tiddler inside TiddlyWiki.

My current idea would be to have a particular tiddler which is read by an external process. When the tiddler change, the process call git to perform some operations like :

  • A git add, and git commit to save the modifications of a tiddler.
  • Same thing, but for the public version when I click on a button (I have a “Public” tag used to generate a single file wiki with only my non-private tiddlers).
  • Building with git a set of tiddlers from history with contain a particular uuid field, to build the history of a particular tiddler inside tiddlywiki (and deleting those files when I close the history).

I am unsure if it would the correct way to do it (and I am unsure the last point is possible, because I don’t know how to ask for a tiddlywiki running server to load some tiddlers). But it would be cool to have this kind of integration between tiddlywiki and git.

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Yes, reading the description it does seem to have similar functionality.


I am thinking, we can even do some kind of multi-user TiddlyWiki by using gitolite, with each user in its own branch.

There seems a lot of synchrony with @Yaisog’s work on, recently discussed in In-Wiki Incremental Revisions -- Now Even Better!.

I think my ideal workflow would be a bit different:

  • On every save (which is damned frequent with Node), I would like for the server to do a git add . and git commit -m "Generic (timestamped) save message"
  • The TW save button has an additional option that allows me to create a commit message that gets passed back to the server, which then merges the time-stamped commits into a single commit, and does a git push with the result.
  • Alongside the commit message would be a checkbox that lets me choose whether to publish the result as well, and another that lets me create a tag for a new version. These are passed along to the server, and the right git commands are performed for these.

That would reduce all sorts of manual tasks I perform.

I could see combining this with some of Yaisog’s work if I wanted to turn this into a publicly available tool. For my own part, I have no problem using the git command line on those occasions when I want to look at diffs. But an inline viewer such as Yaisog created, tied to an external diff from the server, might be a really nice feature.

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I set up a custom server route that responds to a request triggered by a widget message (and corresponding button and keyboard shortcuts) and creates a new git commit and pushes it. I haven’t yet had the need to fetch back older versions into the wiki but it would not be difficult to add a route that fetches the appropriate diffs.

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I’d love to hear more, if you’re willing to share. I haven’t tried any of these thoughts yet, and don’t know how to implement them, as I don’t yet know how TW messages get back to the server.

The automated bit on save I can probably do with some file-watching, but if I have actual events, it would all be cleaner.

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Yes, I really like the idea to merge the last automatic commits with a button, which also allow to add a useful commit message !

I like how doing something like that would follow some kind of Unix philosophy :

  • TiddlyWiki for the actual wiki
  • The browser for the IHM
  • Git for the history and managing versions
  • Gitolite for users permissions