How do I break up block quotes?

It seems like if I use block quotes

> My first line
blank line
> My 2nd line

No matter how many blank lines I have, TW wants to join it all up into one quote block. I see immediately that MD doesn’t do that – the blocks are split after a couple blank lines. How do I get similar behaviour in TW ?

> My first line

blank line

> My 2nd line

Need that blank line between things. (Well, as tested in a new tiddler at

Example from


Renders as


The two lines are still joined as one block. By contrast, here in markdown, two blocks separated by a blank line appears as two blocks:

This is some text

This is also some text

So core supports both > and <<< as blockquote delimiters? I checked, and Markdown plugin isn’t enabled on TW, so I guess core behaviour?

The answer to your question right now seems to be “use <<< instead”.


Thanks! I don’t think it was quite in my head that there were two ways to quote.

omg, I saw “blank line”, and I did not register at all. Brutal.

Any kind of wikitext will act as a separator for your quotes.

For example, italics will do the trick and show nothing:

> My first line


> My 2nd line

will give:

Screenshot 2021-09-30 6.11.06 PM

The key being the difference between quote and block quote.

In many areas of wikitext unless you specifically make it a block it appends to the last line. I sometimes use blank lines for clarity in the editor knowing they collapse in the view.