How can we Create Vertical Tabs rotated by 90°

Thanks @andrewg_oz - This will work.

Now - I need to take the time to redesign my Main PIM.

Thanks All!

An iframe is easy, so long as you don’t need linking and searching to see into the child wiki:

<iframe src="" width="100%"></iframe>

But I also have a demo of a solution (developed with plenty of help from folks here, especially @saqimtiaz) that loads a batch of tiddlers from an external tiddlywiki (which must have cross-domain permissions in place to allow granular json access).

If you already have your 80K notes (80,000 notes, not just 80K worth of notes?!) in tiddler form (or can easy get them that way) in another wiki, this would enable you to load them only on-demand. I find this helpful for certain categories, such as my bibliographic tiddlers (These include abstracts for hundreds of books and articles in my personal collection. It’s unnecessary to load them for most purposes, but I might choose to load them — or some of them, using a filter I can specify on the fly — for particular sessions of work in related areas.)

See demo and explanation here:

Hi @Springer - Some answers (I hope) and Questions,…

For the iFrame:
Answers: I can get these to work - but not quite what i expected - and will still do testing

For the Tiddlers to create:
Answers: On what I want to move into TiddlyWiki - as it’s by far the “fastest” lookup tool I can find:


  • Locally - Nothing that I’ve tested beats TiddlyWiki - nothing
    ** Tested many local apps - on MacOS, Linux, Windows, Solaris
  • On a server - I can setup a php + sqlite db - that’s faster

For how many Tiddlers - let me break them down:

  • Notes - Roughly 83,000+ (these would become medium tiddlers)
  • Research Tidbits - Roughly 190,000+ (these would become small tiddlers)
  • Documents - Roughly 5,000+ (these would become large tiddlers)

I have been testing with the ''small" tiddlers - and it seems that if I don’t “tag” many of them - or as few as possible - that Tiddlywiki is ok - performance-wise. I just need to keep my screen “simple” - meaning - nothing really showing - apart from what I need and a way to get back to the main screen.

I’m still unsure “how” I want to reference these -

  • Say I have a group of 100 small tiddlers - same subject:
    ** I can create a “Subject-Name” Tiddler and just include transcluded tiddlers there
    ** or - I can tag those 100 tiddlers with “Subject-Name”
    *** Then use a list filter in a new tiddler that just shows those
    ** or
    *** I am option to suggestions

I just don’t know which option above will make tiddlywiki “slower” - as I want to use the faster option.

Hope this helps.


Hm, I’m not an expert on this, but I have heard from several experts here that tagging is the most efficient tool (performance-wise) for organizing your wiki. In theory, you can work actively with any filter condition (filtering by date created and by search within text field, or filtering by a special project field, or what have you). But if there are any manageable categories you’re most likely to want to organize with for, then these deserve to be in the tag role, especially if you have such a vast quantity of tiddlers.

I’m surprised to hear you say that using tags (per se) is slowing the wiki down in any way. So I would ask whether you have anything being displayed that implicitly needs to sift through or calculate based on tags frequently. (Looking at your “dashboard” I worry that your wiki may get slow because of how much you’re trying to display at once – especially if there’s something dynamic that is constantly checking again every time you interact with your dashboard.)

You should be able to have as many tags as you need — with the need to keep the tag-space cognitively manageable for yourself being the main constraint. And working with tags should be much better for you than trying to transclude batches of tiddlers manually! (For example, we have tools such as Commander plugin by @Mohammad that let you rename a tag, or otherwise perform batch operations.)

I highly recommend making a view template that shows up exactly when: a tiddler is “missing” (there isn’t a tiddler with that name) yet does serve as a the tag for other tiddlers. I have an explanation/model here: Quick demo — showcasing…

I don’t know what the structure of your notes and research info is, but if there are large neighborhoods where you don’t usually need ready reference to those things, I’d try putting those in a separate wiki, and giving yourself an easy way to load them as external tiddlers (or within an iframe) only on demand.

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