How can i use the fullscreen editor plugin?

the fullscreen editor plugin of JD:

There isn’t any drag and drop or plugin in the page, can anyone explain how to achieve the effect?

you can type $:/w/ in the advanced search. Then go to the tab $:/w/_ and then export

I did as you said, but it isn’t fullscreen editor, the editor is restricted by the sidebar, it covers always only half of the screen.

it works on

I tested on an empty.html, it proves what I said. And the preview pane disappears in the current tiddlywiki version(5.2.2). The preview pane works well in 5.2.0 version.

Ok I get the same with the empty but work on - the difference is in the sidebar layout ‘tweaks’ settings - only works with this

Thanks for the tweak. But the bigger problem is the preview pane disappears I mentioned before.

any tips about the preview pane disappears in the fullscreen mode?

I can see $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview getting overwritten with a ‘yes’ when the preview button is clicked - but I cannot see from the code why this is happening - probably only the developer will be able to fix it without spending a large amount of time.

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Thank you. Maybe something changed in the tiddlywiki 5.2.2.

This is an unknown problem. You should report it at github. … I think, I know, where it comes from. But I didn’t know about the issue, until now. …