How can I keep the style I defined by data-tags even in the editor?

I don’t know if I’m explaining myself well in the title, but basically I have this piece of code in a stylesheet tiddler:

[data-tag-title^="#"] .tc-tag-label {
   border-radius: 3px;

This causes all tags prefixed with “#” to have a different border-radius property than the default. (Custom styles by data-tags).

But this doesn’t persist if I go to the tiddler editor tagged with the tag prefixed with “#”.
How can I make the custom style persist also in the tiddler editor?

By using the browser inspect you can see the .tc-tag-label class in use when in view mode. But I expect you need something else when displaying the tag pills in edit mode as there a different element.

Edit: I did look at the wrong element. … There is a data-tag-title but it’s not active in the edit-template. That’s why it’s not working

Hi Sobriety, There is no data-tag-title … The following CSS code works for me

[data-tags^="#"] .tc-tag-label {
   border-radius: 3px;

There is a data-tiddler-title and data-tags that should be used for styling. The first one contains the tiddler title in plain text and the second one contains all tags in plain text

This seems to change all tags not only those with the prefix #

uups I was wrong. There is a data-tag-title assigned to the tag element in the view-template. It seems it’s not assigned in the edit-template.

I’ll create an issue at GitHub

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Here’s the issue: [BUG] data-tag-title is not active in edit-mode · Issue #7528 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub I’ll have a closer look soon


Here’s the PR Add data tag title where needed by pmario · Pull Request #7530 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub which should have a Vercel preview link in a view minutes. The PR also contains a new docs tiddler with the CSS code needed to catch all tag-pills.

Important There is a screenshot with the tag-pills I know. If you know more and it does not work, please comment at GitHub or here.

have fun!

Thanks, @pmario! I struggled with this for a while yesterday, using the browser’s inspector tool and tinkering with stylesheet to target that single tag in edit mode. I coudn’t figure out why it wasn’t working, and concluded I must not understand css well enough. :grimacing: