Sorry, I forgot, that the list shows the tags and not the tiddlers. The following table lists the tiddlers, the tags and and a delete tag button. There is no “delete this tag” warning. So
Backup – Backup – Backup !
The following code can be tested at
\procedure removeTagAction()
<$action-listops $tiddler={{{ [<oneTag>tagging[]] }}} $tags="-[<oneTag>]"/>
\procedure removeTagButton()
<p><$button actions=<<removeTagAction>> >
<$list filter="[tags[]] :filter[<currentTiddler>tagging[]count[]match[1]]" variable="oneTag">
<td>{{{ [<oneTag>tagging[]] }}}</td><td> is tagged: ''<<oneTag>>''</td><td><<removeTagButton>></td>
Also see: Used widgets docs
have fun!