How big can a TiddlyWiki get?

Looks like Jalup is semi-defunct while the Anki decks are still pricey. Too bad, I was looking for something that introduced vocab and grammar in careful order like that (and wasn’t overly pricey).

Context: I am looking to learn Japanese, and because I know Korean already, I expect to be able to learn the grammar and the Sino-Japanese vocab fairly naturally and quickly (without most of the difficulties westerners typically face with understanding Japanese grammar). (Unfortunately, I don’t know many kanji yet, so I will still have to learn those a little more slowly like everyone else - though a system like WaniKani might help speed things up a little bit.) I haven’t found a suitable resource yet, but I would like to be able to use some resource that presents grammar and vocab in a logical order, but in a way that I could largely speed through (by making connections to Korean to learn quickly), so that, as soon as possible, I could start learning by going into the wild (internet “immersion”, the closest I can get to immersion at the moment), while building kanji knowledge in parallel and constantly reinforcing my kanji knowledge as I come across the kanji in the wild (which might make an SRS mostly unnecessary even for kanji).

And yes, I too was looking to use TiddlyWiki to take notes on Japanese, though I’ll save that discussion for another post sometime.

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I highly recommend you check this video out, same goal as yours with Anki based approach:


“Our”, meaning our largest within our release process (by size) for our cardiovascular reporting data warehouse product, which has dozens of TW for testing results as well as a data dictionary/user manual. Some of those were previously combined in one, so could easily have been 100MB or more before I split them in the build process. Given how the TW are produced, I believe there are at least 250k tiddlers being generated, split across all those files, and it’s about to get a lot larger as I start to fan the validation testing across more versions. Honestly, it’s such a big process, I probably need to get better control of the size of the files being generated, since I really often have no idea how quickly that grows as new data is curated into the data mart, because they do stick around on every build and consume space.

I do think once they start to get large the performance of just loading those files from our TeamCity build server is actually the main bottleneck, not the browser actually processing the HTML. And while they’ve been slow to load and view, it is not as common for it to be slow to pull up individual tiddlers since I split up the files.

I have not read this whole thread, yet. But one thought I had for language learning to leverage the features of modern browsers, especially with translation, dictation and reading. Use tiddlywiki as the interface/repository.

  • Read some text out loud (speech to text) and see if it is recorded as it was written.
  • Type some text and have the browser read it out.

You can do this both in your native language and the one(s) you wish to learn. Sure there is a lot more to learning a language but this does I believe fill a gap in the process. Material to read and spoke, spoken and read, listened to etc… can be found in your preferred language all over the internet.

On “How big can a TiddlyWiki get?”

As long as a piece of string!

Just design your solutions so that if one day you can’t optimise your tiddlywiki enough you can export your content for use elsewhere.

What things do you think I need to take into consideration when designing my TiddlyWiki, so that it can be exported?

Well if you break your data into tiddlers, with their content in the text field, or even spilt into fields, and can tell the difference between them, like this is a contact, this is a company… then there is almost an unlimited number of ways you can export your content to get it out of tiddlywiki,

  • The rule is that your data remains logically structured with no missing information in TiddlyWIki then the ways you can export the data are effectively unlimited.
  • The same rules apply to media images/audio/Video but their size may add complexity.

Unless you know what you want to export it to already, you can leave it until needed.