Highlighting the TiddlyWiki Open Collective

Volunteers. There is no confusion here, more people need to step up and volunteer to lead efforts like this.

While there is talk of pay – it’s for the food / water / shelter aspects of the codebase, without which no one would be here. For better or for worse, coding is the scarce resource.

Contributing by volunteering to take a role in guiding some aspect of the community on a regular basis is the most impactful thing can be done.

An honorarium could also be proposed for work like this over time.

Yeah getting the word out generally.

A quick outline of the newsletter idea.

  • Dedicated forum category here
  • create a wiki page every two weeks
  • add interesting threads, development, showcase, tips etc
  • every two weeks send via email newsletter
  • publish link on TW.com/.org

Also: load into a Tweet / Mastodon scheduler tool and you’ve got 2 weeks of tweets of the links in the newsletter (plus the newsletter link itself).

A very nice outline for a community based approach. What it really needs is a volunteer editor or ideally a team of editors to take leadership.

A post was merged into an existing topic: I got an extremely weird message from Discourse as it BLOCKED me