Hidden User Data and Sidebar More Tab

There are discussions how to create user data tiddlers which are hidden from search and lists. But here I want to consult you for another approach.

  • Any tiddler keeps user data but need to be hidden from search and lists gets a system prefix, here I propose $:/data/
  • In the Sidebar Tabs under more add a new tab called Data with below text
<$list filter="[prefix[$:/data/]]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>

And it will be displayed like

What do you think?

You can also replicate the Types tab using (change the text of $:/kookma/ui/MoreSideBar/Data in above example with the following wikitext)

\function f.types() [prefix[$:/data/]get[type]sort[]unique[]] -[[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]] 

\whitespace trim
<!-- all tiddlers with other types than default type: -->
<$list filter="[function[f.types]]" variable=thisType>
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<$text text=<<thisType>> />
<$list filter="[prefix[$:/data]has[type]type<thisType>] :and[sort[title]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
<!-- all tiddlers with no type or default type: -->
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<$text text="text/vnd.tiddlywiki" />
<$list filter="[prefix[$:/data/]!has[type]] [prefix[$:/data/]type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]] :and[sort[]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>

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I do like the idea of thinking carefully about how user-specific information is handled, and how each user might be able to access information that is specific to them!

I don’t think “data” is the helpful keyword, because a wiki is full of data. Data would suggest a contrast against… what, exactly?

It seems “user” would be a much more intuitive string that would help me recognize a (search-shielded) tiddler as specific to a… user. :slight_smile:


What about $:/hidden/?
Or $:/user/hidden/?

This feature now, is part of TW-Tweaks plugin. I used $:/user/ as prefix.


It seems natural to insist that something like a user name comes next in the namespace, right? Because if you’ve just got something like $:/user/selected-palette or $:/user/clp.png then a multi-user solution risks clashes between versions of such tiddlers specific to this or that user, right?

By contrast, $:/user/springer/selected-palette would coexist happily together with $:/user/mohammad/selected-palette in the same wiki.

I’m not seeing how

would be needed or wise. Surely, presentation conventions (what’s hidden by default) should not be enforced in tiddler names. Someone could wish to customize a wiki so that tiddlers with $:/ prefix (or some subset of these) are no longer hidden (from search, from sidebars, etc.). Such a change should not make any of the names look incorrect…

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I like this approach!