Help with escape sequence for ]]

replacing [[ works successfully

search-replace:g:regexp[\[\[],[<<yt "]

but for ]]


does not seem to work?

Hi – Have a closer look at:

You should define eg:

\define leftEdge() [[
\define rightEdge() ]]

And then use the variables instead of characters. There are some examples that uses a mechanism like this one.


thank you pmario!

here’s what it was used for, for our later reference

<!-- 20231003 this was made for an easily accessible search and replace
following etardiff's example on
with additional keyboard shortcut functionality (only works if editor toolbar is enabled in settings)
we used ctrl-shift-L (and removed ctrl-shift-L from other shortcuts)
\define rightdoublesquarebracket() ]]
<$vars storeTitle=<<qualify "$:/temp/storeText">> test="\]">
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[<storeTitle>]" />
	 tiddler=<<storeTitle>> field="text" />
	 text={{{ [<storeTitle>get[text]search-replace:g:regexp[\[\[],[<<yt "]search-replace:g:regexp[\|https://youtu\.be/],[" ]search-replace:g:regexp[\|https://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=],[" ]search-replace:g:regexp[\|https://m\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=],[" ]search-replace:g:regexp<rightdoublesquarebracket>,[>>]] }}} />

Are you only trying to remove [[ ]] and replace them with something else?

Trim and prefix operators work but there are other ways,

\define something() [[something else]]
\function a-string(string) [<string>]
\define open() [
\define close() ]

{{{ [<something>trim<open>trim<close>] }}}

<<a-string [[something other]]>>

Example try on, now use addprefix and add suffix as well as needed.

When I have problems like this I change my fences to a slash like this:

Also look into using regex testing tools like: