Help wanted on Tool to open problematic Tiddlers in editmode and close and save them simultaniously afterwards

Some Tiddlers are difficult to edit, because in viewmode they cause a problems like recursive transclusions or hide the normal interface. I wanted to buid a button to edit tiddlers in editmode, but espesially closing and saving (in order not have the unwanted effect) is difficult. How can this be done, here my starter.

<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/temp/tools/tiddler}}>
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/tools/tiddler" field="text" tag=input/><p/>
<$navigator story="$:/StoryList">
<$button message="tm-edit-tiddler" >
{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/Caption}} in Editmode: {{$:/temp/tools/tiddler}}
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" >
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-save-tiddler"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-close-tiddler"/>save and close

I have custom tabs for recent tiddlers and system tiddler s with the edit button in front of each item to open in edit mode without First opening the tiddler.

With the edit buttons plugin installed you can save and close with one click.

Finally if an offending tiddler is opened by default tiddlers, name a tiddler in the url eg #Home to open that and not default tiddlers.

More details tomorrow. Its 2am here and it am having trouble getting to sleep.

Here are the aforementioned edit recent and recent system tabs. That allow you to edit tiddlers directly.

edit-recent-sidebars.json (2.9 KB)

However here is a tiddler containing a bookmarklet that can be dragged to your favorites for instant install. Edit Recent tabs Bookmarklet.json (5.7 KB)

Here is the source of @telmiger excellent Edit buttons, but I expect you have them.

One more method to help.

If you cause a serious error in your wiki and it has not yet being saved, you can of course reload and restore the wiki to its last saved state, or possibly access a backup version and drag the tiddler you broke over the current wiki.

  • I use Timimi and its backups are always there.

If you don’t have backups and you want to save the current, broken state, whilst reloading to you last working state you can use an emergency save/download button to bypass your default saver and save the broken wiki to file. Ask if you want it.

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