Help to run TW on a Server

Hello TW-Community,

I was able to setup a raspberry pi server and to install tiddlywiki.
My sandbox is
tiddlywiki mynewwiki --listen host=
and I can reach it from all devices in my network :slight_smile:

Hopefully my questions can be answered here:

  1. If I start the tiddlywiki on my server the output is done on the display on the server and I cannot do anything else. I have to stop the server if I want to do whatever.
    My question: How to start tiddlywiki as background process?
  2. Is it possible to run two or more wikis parallel?
  3. How to start my wikis in case of restart the server?
  4. How to make daily backups from my wikis?

Any help is welcome.
Thank you

1,3: maybe pm2 is you want

pm2 is what I use :slight_smile:

2, yes, on different ports. Or multiwikiserver on a single port.

4, syncthing.