Help to Create a Simple Combo Search Macro

I am looking for a simple combo search macro to be able

  1. Get a filter from user and list the results based on that filter
  2. Have a search box to further filter or search in the result of first step
    2.1. if enter keywords, it searches like TW standard search box
    2.2. If enter a search filter like ([prefix[Car]] it searches like $:/AdvancedSearch filter search box

My initial solution is as below

Macro code

\define temp-tiddler()  xx$:/temp/combo-search$(qualify)$
\define simple-search() :and[search[$(search-input)$]]
\define filter-search() :and$(search-input)$
\define combo-filter() $(__filter__)$$(search-terms)$ :filter[!is[missing]]

\define combo-search-list(filter, template:"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate")
<$edit-text tiddler=<<temp-tiddler>> tag=input default="" placeholder="enter search term or filter" class="w-75"/>

<$let lb="["
      search-input   = {{{ [<temp-tiddler>get[text]] }}} 
      search-terms  = {{{ [<search-input>prefix<lb>then<filter-search>else<simple-search>]}}}
    <small><$count filter=<<combo-filter>> /> matches</small>
    <$list filter=<<combo-filter>> template=<<__template__>> />


<<combo-search-list "[tag[Learning]]">>




  • Start search with [, macro will perform filter search
  • Start with any other character, macro will perform a standard search
  • If you want to search for a link where it starts with [ then use a leading space, so [[Test]] will perform a standard search not a filter search, note to the leading space
  • Macro accepts a template to show the result. See recent discussion by @TW_Tones, so it is very powerful to show anything you like as its result

Edge cases

Some history on custom search macro / search box

  1. PowerSearch from @EricShulman is very powerful and very useful for learning filters, it is among the best
  2. The first list-search was proposed by Tobias Beer
  3. Later on Shiraz introduced a nice hackable UI for list-search
  4. Another list-search was introduced by @DaveGifford
  5. @telumire introduced a modern search-list with advanced search bottom (one of the best)
  6. Tiddler Commander uses combo-search in its UI and is highly powerful
  7. CommandPalette from @soku21 has great features to selectively search in tags, title
  8. @stobot has a combo search and it is highly flexible. It allows to search from one box for system tiddlers, shadow tiddlers, and perform filter search
  9. Other … (please add…)

Help needed

I would appreciate to help

  1. make macro simpler
  2. make macro more usable
  3. make macro readable and maintainable
  4. make macro use WikiText modern syntax, instead of old

Just to be accurate, I did not develop a list search. I use Tobias Beer’s macro.

I have only tinkered wiith it by changing the listitem template involved, so that results are displayed differently.

One limitation of this macro is that you can only search one field: you can specify whether to search titles, tags, text, etc, but only one, and never all of them. So it would be nice to have a way to search all fields and maybe distinguish different types of search results.

I doubt I will be able to help you, but I will play with yours, and look up telmire’s.

Thank you for clarification!

This is possible, just enter as below

[search:*[your keyword]]


[search:created,modified[your keyword]]

Yes, I meant a limitation of Tobias’ macro, not yours.

I just tried yours, and I think I am going to start using yours from now on!

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Thanks for mentioning me ! Here’s my attempt at a combo search:

<$edit-text field="search"/>


<$let search={{!!search}} containsfilter="[" isFilter="[<search>search<containsfilter>]">

<<list-links "[<search>filter<isFilter>]:map:flat[all[tiddlers+shadows]subfilter<search>]~[all[tiddlers]!is[system]search<search>]:filter[<search>minlength[3]]">>


Note: I’ll edit my post later to improve on this

EDIT: Simpler version + support search for wikitext links

<$edit-text field="search"/>


<$let search={{!!search}} minlength="[<search>minlength[3]]">

emptyMessage="""<<list-links "[filter<minlength>subfilter<search>]:filter[<search>!search[|]]">>"""
<<list-links "[search<search>!is[system]]">>

Combo Search with button to clear the search field + style for the search input:

Combo search.json (1.7 KB)

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Quick simple and effective.

  • Thanks for the inspiration
  • Redesigning core solutions are very messy due to the keyboard widget
  • Is filter is not yet working?
  • Could open modal or popup
  • Selection could be returned to a state tiddler or field “radio”
    • or add to a list using the new checkbox listIndex
  • The ability to add an include only filter and and exclude filter in a macro parameters would be nice.

The filter is working but I want to improve/add an ui for it, will do later

I am preparing a variation on this I will share and you can plgerise if you want.

Search all or Add fiter from core filter drop down
Use as macro
Use modifyer filter eg +[sort[]]
Choose the list item template (planned)

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This is another Combo Search inspired from @telumire (TiddlyTweaks — Small tweaks for TiddlyWiki) to use two different search boxes.
In this version, I used a single searchbox but with a button to switch between two modes

  • Standard/simple search
  • Filter search
\define search-tiddler() $:/temp/search-telumire$(qualify)$

\define clear-button(field)
<$reveal stateTitle=<<search-tiddler>> stateField=<<__field__>> type="nomatch" text="">
    <$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="cancel search" 
		         actions='<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<search-tiddler>> $field=<<__field__>> $value=""/>' >

\define final-search-filter() $(__filter__)$:and$(search-filter)$

\define search-ui(filter, template:"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate")
<!--- search UI --->
<div class="tc-advanced-search">
<b><$text text={{{ [<search-tiddler>get[search-type]] :else[[simple]] }}} /></b> search<br/>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<search-tiddler>> field={{{ [<search-tiddler>get[search-type]] :else[[simple]] }}} tag="input" default="" placeholder={{$:/showInfo/search/placeholder}} class="tc-edit-texteditor w-75"/>&nbsp;
<$macrocall $name="clear-button" field={{{ [<search-tiddler>get[search-type]] :else[[simple]] }}} />
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="advanced search" 
          actions='<$action-listops $tiddler=<<search-tiddler>> $field="search-type" $subfilter="+[toggle[filter],[simple]]"/>' >

<!--- search result --->
  simple-search-term   = {{{ [<search-tiddler>get[simple]] }}}
	filter-search-filter = {{{ [<search-tiddler>get[filter]]   "[search[]]" :and[limit[1]]      }}} 
	simple-search-filter = "[search<simple-search-term>]"
	search-type          = {{{ [<search-tiddler>get[search-type]] :else[[simple]] }}}
  search-filter        = {{{ [<search-type>match[simple]then<simple-search-filter>else<filter-search-filter>]}}} >

<small><i><$count filter=<<final-search-filter>> />&nbsp; matches</i></small>

<$list filter=<<final-search-filter>> template=<<__template__>> />



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I think the advantage of a “combo serach” is, that it automatically detects filters and behaves accordingly. So adding a button imo is a regression already and the code seems to be more complex too.


I think your code is easy to follow and easy to read. At the moment, we don’t have a new syntax for text substitution in the core other than the one you use.

So I think the implementation is fine. … If you need to make it more advanced, you could add the “more” dropdown from the advanced-search “Filter” tab, that shows predefined filter snippets, which would make it easier for users to work with filters.

just an idea

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Very clever solution! For me the filter part does not work.
Also note that a user may wish to look for a link like [[Test|myTest]] where it is not a filter.

I got it working with :map:flat[all[tiddlers]!is[system]subfilter<search>]

See the related Search for a phrase - #3 by TW_Tones

The version I am working on based on @telumire’s above looks like this so far, but UI improvements are neeed

  • The intention is to hide the the extra fields unless needed.
  • If you don’t use anything in search you get the result of the include filter.
    • If you do use the search field then it relates only to included items
  • It is in a macro you can preload the the values.

Ah yes, good catch ! Maybe it would be better to leave out the !is[system] to allow people to search for those, and maybe add shadows ? So this: :map:flat[all[tiddlers+shadows]subfilter<search>]

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Very interesting post! Kudos!

IMO, search in TW is fundamental. In a sense every type of filter is just a search variant.

From my point of view, it might be interesting to do a proper formal analysis of …

(1) — search strategies users already use;

(2) — a survey of the (many) solutions already created;

(3) — consideration of integrating the highlighting of search terms in results;

(4) — discussion of “live reductive search”, such as @BurningTreeC does in MCL. Meaning rather than searching all tiddlers you search only open tiddlers and hide those that don’t match;

(5) — direct support for Regular Expressions without need for passing a match string through a variable placeholder.

Just comments, TT