Hey guys!
SUBJECT: Links to Internal Files (via file:///) in Windows 10.
PROBLEM: I use TiddlyDesktop-win64-v0.0.15-prerelease.2 on Windows 10. I am not able to use accented URLs (à á ó í é ã õ, etc) in TIDDLYDESKTOP.
EXAMPLE (Lines of Code in TIDDLER):
- Claudio TEST: [[WINDOWS|file:///C:\TEMP\Claudio.txt]]
- Cláudio TEST: [[WINDOWS|file:///C:\TEMP\Cláudio.txt]]
RESULT: The second link does not open the referenced file. In the first link, TIDDLYDESKTOP opens the FILE in Windows Notepad.
Note: The only difference is the acute accent in my name.
- If I open the Tiddlywiki (.html) file in CHROME, FIREFOX or EDGE Browser, both links will work, displaying the contents of the .txt file in the browser.
- Only the second one will not work in TIDDLYDESKTOP.
Is there any setting in TIDDLYDESKTOP’s Embedded Chromium Browser that needs to be done for it to recognize these characters?
Is there any HTML instruction that can be included internally in the html file to correct this situation? In addition to this command:
meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html;charset=utf-8”
Is there a specific downloadable version of TIDDLYDESKTOP that fixes this issue?
Thanks in advance for everyone’s attention.
Cláudio Rieper