Help needed to create a Contact selector for GSD5 similar to the official Realm selector

Here is the code for the Realm selector in GSD5 - which help to sort the actions and project based on the realm they belong to - See this GSD5 dashboard to see how it works. I was trying to clone this Realm selector and create a contact selector to sort the actions and project based on the contacts to whom they are assigned. The sorting of projects and actions based on contacts is not working - Here is the code. Why is it not working ?

Have you not considered the radio or select widgets?

Hi @arunnbabu81,

Firstly, thank you for all your work on TW5 GSD. Ecommiable indeed.

Secondly, I’ve never been fond of the Realm functionality in GSD. It troubled me more than it helped me, especially when I had some contacts belonging to different Realms. In some cases, I duplicated the contact names and added a “?” in the front of the name to indicate that those contacts belonged to the “?xxxx” Realm. In other cases (when I was frustrated enough), I separated my TW projects by Realm (i.e., each Realm had its own TW).

So my point here is thinking if the Realm functionality in GSD is worth all the effort.

Keep up the good work.



@Alfonso I haven’t used gsd as much as you might have. What I have been trying to do when there are contacts who belong to multiple realms is that, I create those contacts with realm selected as all
I don’t know how long it will work.

This is also there in my plans.