Headings with class

Dear Mohammad,
i use your nicelyTiddlyfor for documentation of my programming. Something which i like are the Heading with class. I transferred the content of the original Tiddler to a tiddler in my main wiki but the results are not the same as in Tiddlyfor.!
What went wrong, what am i missing ?

I appreciate your help and support very much.

Regards, Bapak Ireng

@Bapak_Ireng Could you provide a link for the thing you are referring to “tiddlyfor” or something else, so others may also help you as well?

Well, that is the repro at Github:

regards, Bapak Ireng

In your copy does $:/TiddlyFor/StylesheetFrames2 exist?

Hi, no that stylesheet did not existed. After copying and saving it to my wiki, there was no change in appearance. Sorry.

Odd, dragging that stylesheet to tiddlywiki.com produces the desired change for headings as it contains the CSS related to Headings with Class.

In order to affect the style of your wiki, this $:/TiddlyFor/StylesheetFrames2 need to be tagged with $:/tags/Stylesheet.

Is this tag set on this tiddler ?

Yes, this tag is set to the tiddler. I double checked. Thanks for your advice.!

the results look like that

I upated the core to 5.3.3

Is your test2 the tiddler where you test the rendering of the styles? You should erase its $:/tags/Stylesheet tag and edit this tiddler to verify that its Type field is empty or set to Tiddlywiki version 5 that is the default setting of an ordinary tiddler.


i removed the tag as advised, and some rendering is Ok , some rendering still fails…

Make sure you have imported the relevant stylesheet tiddlers?

.note items are in $:/TiddlyFor/StylesheetNoteClassic
.appointmen items are in in $:/TiddlyFor/StylesheetNoteBox

Hi, i still have some difficulties to use the fc macro (Font color) outside Tiddlyfor .
Where do i find the syntax of how to use the macro ?

<<fc “01” “red”>> this syntax does not show any content (“01”) at all.

<<fc "01" "red">> shows the complete text in red, but not 01 as originally designed.

Please advise.
Many thanks in advance.
regards, Bapak ireng

The macro is defined in tiddler https://kookma.github.io/TiddlyFor/index.html#myMacros, make sure you have a copy in your wiki.

Thank you very much, that what was missing. Now everything works like a charm.