I’m planning to use tiddlywiki to write a novel, and I’ve seen some websites in class tiddlywiki that use tiddlywiki to write novels before. Have others had similar experiences?
No, I have no such experience, no wisdom to share. But I’ll sit on the sidelines and cheer you on! I can also be an early reader if you want one.
My own attempts to write the great American novel many years ago culminated in a series of great American first chapters, and no more.
I have thought that TW would be an interesting framework to write fiction that is very different from a novel, consisting of scenes that could be read in any order, with various interlinks between them, a next-level Choose Your Own Adventure story, some steps beyond “Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time”. But that is very different from writing a novel.
I think it would be relatively easy to set yourself up to write your novel using TW. But if you’re thinking about trying to get this published in traditional formats, you should think up-front about how you would extract the content into a format that agents, editors, and publishers would want.
Thank you very much for your response. I haven’t started writing it yet, I just thought it would be fun to create it in tiddlywiki format.
If I do write it, I’ll be sure to make it public and share it with everyone.
Post it in tiddlywiki format, rather than the traditional published format.