If you use “reply” on a given reply, you get a link back to that rather than just a reply to the whole thread, for example here
- However if you reply to the last reply, rather than the “reply found at the bottom of the thread”, this link back is not present. As a result it can be unclear as to whom the reply relates. See this here.
- Using the reply at the bottom of the thread, is like replying to the OT or the thread in general and not to a specific reply, but we can no longer tell the difference, if someone replies to the last reply.
This has caused confusion a few time of late and its seems to me a neish behaviour, but I am not sure. A work arounds is to assume the reply is to the one before, but we all know about making an “Ass out of U and ME”, or you can @mention someone, but most people do not.
Can we configure and or revert this behaviour?