Hey there! Just like the title says, I’m wondering if anyone has macro’d or stylized their wikis to reflect the 5e page style for stat blocks and/or general rules layout.
Currently helping a friend try to find the best avenue to ‘transliterate’ all their notes and documentation of like… 20 years. (And make it look nice) I’m sure I could figure it out on my own, just asking around first to save myself time if I can!
Thanks for the mention @boris. I have experimented with a few different layouts, and others in the TW Discord server have gone further with full 5E style layouts. The problem, historically, is that custom UI like this was hard to manage across tiddlers, and required setting up very fragile things that relied on hiding the “body UI” of the “Tiddler-in-StoryRiver”, and inserting custom UI.
The recent “Cascade” tech that was released in 5.2.1 has opened up a huge opportunity for these custom-tiddler-layouts. Next we need to discuss the data-model as separate from UI/layout considerations. Come hang out in the #tw-for-gaming channel! TiddlyWiki 5