GoogleCharts macro examples

Season’s greeting to all (and probably not the best time of year to post updates).

A few months ago I posted about a macro I developed to incorporate Google Charts into my TiddlyWiki. My wiki and macro is available at:

I’ve added some advanced examples based on my actual usage for one of my projects.

I have a TiddlyWiki where I maintain “customer-friendly” release notes for one of my projects. In the time since I developed my charting macros I had some ideas for interesting charts using the release note tiddlers as the data source.

In short, I added a “release date” field to each tiddler and used that to generate a timeline visualization chart and a “release lifetime (longevity)” line chart. I also added a “size” field and produced a line chart of that.

I’ve added the examples for these new charts to my TiddlyWiki linked above. The charting macro itself hasn’t changed.

Hopefully someone might find these useful. Any feedback (especially things I could have done better) is welcome.



I have been impressed by this plugin. Thanks for your hard work. I could use a version that works offline as well, if that ever became possible…

Not possible.

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Right, hence my choice of wording if that ever became possible

Cognitive disability. Subtle inferences are not easy to process. I thought you meant something else.