GG Discourse Email Linking Troubles

Yes, the transfer mechanism is buggy, buggy, buggy!

At least for you it’s not personal!

When someone posts on GG without a corresponding address on TT, an address is assigned. For reasons that no one can explain, that address is MINE! I have to go back through the posts and change them to GG_User. AFAIK, I’m the only one to get singled out like this.

For reasons that no one can explain, that address is MINE!

Ouch. Maybe I’m suggesting the obvious, but could your address have been added as a default address for the forum? Super-admin?

@Mark_S I didn’t realize this was still happening, sorry about that!

I’d suggest posting an issue write up at if you want to chase this down.

How would that work? “Hi, I’m Mark. I have a problem with code – I don’t know what it’s name is or how it was installed – on a server I have no access to. What should I do?”

The unanimous answer will be, “Talk to the admin.

Hi Mark —

I’m sorry if you don’t feel you have the info you need. I’ll put some things together in the mod group from what I had posted when we were troubleshooting.

Someone has to do the work of describing the issue, investigating in the Discourse community, and reporting back. There may be existing threads with more info.

I’m still looking for someone else with Linux server / Docker skills to back me up as an actual server admin.

Maybe they are in the same situation as you are! I mean, if you just email randomly maybe some super admin of theirs will curse as he “always gets these random messages” and he identify with you and get to the bottom of this !!! :wink:

Joking aside, how about this (serious) idea: You delete your account and sign up again! Maybe worth a try if you didn’t do it already, and assuming it is possible.

Mamma Mia! That is bizarre! Hope it can get sorted; that is too much to have to cope with.

Feeling your pain, I am very aware you volunteer time to do all you are doing and this is not right!

For many years, I encountered a similar problem that I think is related: I subscribe to the Google Group via email which I generally read using an IMAP email client. When I start a new message to my mail app replaced with 'Mark_S' via TiddlyWiki. Despite adding to my address book, nothing seemed to stop my mail client attributing the email address to Mark_S. It happened across Mac and iOS devices too.

I’ve always assumed that this behaviour was Apple’s fault, and that their mail client had at some point seen a message from Mark_S with that email address, and thus intelligently and irrevocably entwine them. I lived with it because it didn’t seem to impact my messages to the group. But there’s a chance that there’s something specific about the Google Groups outgoing messages that causes both my mail client and Discourse to make this assumption.

I put all of that in the past tense because it doesn’t seem to happen since we set up the link to Instead, something much more insidious happens: when a message arrives from the Google Group it appears in my inbox in the way that it always did, complete with the Google Group footers. But then a couple of minutes later it is replaced by a copy of the message with the TalkTW branding. Of course, sometimes that TalkTW copy of the message is corrupt because it takes markup literally from Google Groups.

I’m pretty sure that’s because when Discourse sends out the Google Groups messages it re-uses the message ID from the original Google Groups message. My mail client then sees that as an update to the original message, and replaces the Google Groups copy with the TalkTW copy.

I wonder whether the Discourse plugin could add a prefix to the message IDs so that the messages appear as different to mail clients? @boris could you kindly advise the name of the extensions/plugin so I can have a little dig. (I’ve found previous incursions into email infrastructure fascinatingly infuriating).

Whoah! That is seriously weird!

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I documented our setup in site docs for admins.

I mis-spoke — it’s not a plugin, it’s core Discourse functionality.

After reviewing the mail logs, and looking at profiles, I noticed that my profile had a secondary address – the group tiddly wiki address! No one else had that secondary address

I removed the secondary address.

Sigh. Now posts that I actually make on GG are attributed to someone else! So I’m still stuck with fixing the posts if I care about attribution.

Edit: It also appears that if a user responds to a post on GG, that thread is not moved to the top of the list (reverse chronological). I don’t know if that’s something new or just started.

Wow! That does seem like the smoking gun we were looking for.

That’s super confusing. Perhaps it will take a few hours/days for things to settle down having changed your details.

Perhaps something to try would be deleting your account and then recreating it?

Except this is Discourse, which means I will also lose all the status, settings, emojis, etc. Probably Discoarse will also wipe my name off all the posts I’ve made so far. There’s no telling.

Also, in case you missed it:

Oh, I see, I thought you were referring to your GG settings. The strange behaviour I was seeing with your GG account predates Discourse.

No, the secondary address field is on Discourse. I guess as admin you could check if I have some secondary address on GG unbeknownst to me.

Sadly no (I’ve checked before but just double checked now).

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So what appears to happen is that if no user has been assigned, then when a new address gets forwarded from GG it gets assigned as a verified address!! Which means that you can’t unchange the address without verification which can’t happen because the person hasn’t actually signed up! In my case, I came along and , unbeknownst to me, when I signed up I was also made the recipient of the address as a secondary address!

Who actually receives email? We may need someone to confirm it for GG_User. GG_User would be the appropriate target default name email coming from GG. This is frustrating, because it will add the address as confirmed to random people but if you want to set it as an address you need to be on the receiving end. What’s also odd is that sometimes it sets up a new (though unverified) account for someone, and sometimes it uses a default address.

So. We have written down notes in the admin area and we merged this on your request. I think you actually pressed the button on this.

This was to fix the issue with your posts being attributed to someone else.

It is absolutely frustrating but only seems to affect your account.

_ This is a quick post on mobile so I need to track it down later / come back later_

I set up gg_user, but I didn’t confirm the address – how could I? Only someone receiving that email could (Jeremy? You ?).

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