Getting events from TiddlyTools Calendar

Hello TW community,

How could I list events from TiddlyTools, it’s about time for a given day, in a tiddler outside of the calendar ?

Something like : <<showday_items events “20230511”>>



Try this:

\import TiddlyTools/Time/Calendar
\define showevents() yes
<$wikify name="events" text=<<getevents>>>
<$list filter="[enlist<events>prefix[20230511]sort[]]" variable="event">
   <$let when={{{ [<event>split[;]nth[1]] }}}
          src={{{ [<event>split[;]nth[2]] }}}
         item={{{ [<event>split[;]nth[3]split[|]rest[]] ~[<event>split[;]nth[3]] }}}>
   <$text text=<<when>>/> - 
   <$link to=<<src>>><$text text={{{ [<src>get[caption]else<src>] }}}/></$link>:
   <$link to=<<item>>><$text text=<<item>>/></$link><br/>


  • $wikify gets all calendar events
  • $list filters all events for a specified date prefix
    • Use prefix[] for all calendar events,
    • Use prefix[2023] for all events for this year,
    • Use prefix[202305] for all events in May of this year,
    • Use prefix[20230511] for events on May 11th, 2023 only.
  • For each matching event, $let unpacks the date, event source tiddler, and event item description.


Thank you Eric for the tools, the quick answer with a working solution and the very clear explanation.