Genealogy Format Import from GRAMPS to TiddlyWiki - How to do?

Hello there, have happy times.

I have collected data about my familys for years now, lets say about 100 persons.
Now I’m in touch with TW.
I want to import this Data.
In GRAMPS there are given ways to export to files-formats like: CSV, GEDCOM, GeneWeb, GRAMPS-XML, GRAMPS-XML-Paket, Web Family Tree, vKalender, vKarte (lt. German GRAMPS Version).
Eny one here who had done this : Import Data from GRAMPS to TW?
How have you done it? Which way do you recoment?

I put my question into Tips&Tricks. If there is a better place or better tagging, let me know it?

Stay tuned to your soul,
cordially Til Peta Noske

Is there a description, how the export format looks like? With any info about that it will be hard to import stuff.

Take a look at the abovelinked discussion and also this link

As @arunnbabu81 has pointed out, I’ve written a genealogical research tool with TiddlyWiki. It supports GEDCOM import. I’ll be working on a GEDCOM export in 2023. It should import your GEDCOM file. You’ll likely find any GRAMPS custom GEDCOM tags will not be imported. Also, note, if your GEDCOM file has 10s of thousands of individuals you will likely run into performance issues. I have not personally tried a GEDCOM file from GRAMPS. Therefore, you will likely be the first. Good luck. Feel free to ask questions.



Hello and thank you.
@clsturgeon oh my god, you put a lot of work and time into it.
Wonderful thank you.
(01) In order not to get out of hand in my text, I used the compass ‘my task at hand’.
Then something of my whole network becomes visible, but there are also limitations against getting out of hand.
(02) I think we both suffer from a similar ‘disease’: maybe building a good tool is more important than using it…?
(03) Very Important: Please take all of my feedback, as an offer, as my user experiences and impressions, feedback as a thank you for your efforts.
(04) Take from it what you can use.
And we blame the rest on my limited English.

(05) Do you know whether or how many active users of ‘MK’ there are at the moment?

(06) From my use case, I have the impression of Big Overhead, as if you wanted to shoot sparrows with a cannon.

(07) My Gedcom file was imported without any problems.
With around 176 entries of persons, 272 tiddlers became 697 tiddlers.

(08) According to my first impression, family relationships were well taken over and even represented correctly in the graphic representation. Clean performance !!

(09) Events and locations were also very well taken over.
The handling of the ‘system’ with namesake seems to impress me. Added the Gramps ID to the name in the title for people with the same name.

(10) But before that I had to search around for a while to know and call this function.
(11) A call entry in the sidebar >Tools >> Import, then >>Import_GEDCOM below would have helped me.

(12) Existing notes were recognized during the import, provided with an ID e.g. @N0040@ and this ID was empty, i.e. saved without text in MK. Too bad.

(13)Existing photos were not imported.

(14) In my use case, I don’t need this complex collection and evaluation of sources and resources.
(15) I know most of the events from stories or my memory, or from copies of family documents.
(16) In my mind there are many truths, stories, memories. I think the attempt at objectification is even more harmful. As if there were an objective truth. Even three witnesses to an event can deliver three different perspectives and reports, a victim has an experience, the perpetrator has an experience, etc. an endlessly braided bond.
(17) It’s not about evidence. For me it is about understanding and healing the generations back and forth.

(18) In my opinion, the use of tags should be carefully considered.
(19) Long lists require scrolling.
(20) Duplicate terms with overlapping tags can lead to confusion.
(21) What is the significance of recording aircraft, road vehicles, and watercraft? In how many family histories do they play a determining, formative, supporting role, possibly over generations?
(22) And even then, one tag should suffice, either Objects and Vehicles or only Vehicles , at least not both types of tags, even with overlapping content.
Objects, Vehicles and more is probably cheap. Because buildings, weapons, cameras, machine tools, brassieres, BOOKS, etc. could be recorded there if they play a major role in the story.

(23) All tags that are just a headline are, in my view, a -still empty- declaration of intent.
(24) Where there is no mature function behind it, I would replace these tags or summarize them with one tag: future projects. Or take it out entirely. And put on an internal Issue_List.

(25) Having to call up the search window every time I use it is annoying.
(26) Suggestion: The window should always be open so that I can go straight into it with the cursor.
It can also possibly increase when you enter it?

(27) The MK specific tabs do not appear in my local language.

(30) Wishes for 2023 that are coming to mind right now:
30.1 Import of GEDCOM_files with notes
30.2 Import of GEDCOM_files with photos
30.3 Always provide search window

Have excellent times, where ever you go
cordially Paralullus (aka Til Peta Noske)

@Paralullus Thank you for the feedback.

In regard to (03), I understand and appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

In regard to (02), I do enjoy working on MK. However, I also use MK almost daily. I have more than 1 instance of the MK for various projects. I have my personal genealogical research project and another for my wife’s family history. My grandfather was from the Chippewa First Nations and I believe a descendant of a Sturgeon clan of a Potawatomi Nation from Illinois. I created another instance of MK to work on my “Tribal Connections”.

During the Covid lockdown, I wanted to find a new way to house my research. I want a tool that was personal and allowed me to capture and report my research with the information I wanted. I had previously tried TW back in 2004, so finding it again in 2020 was a delight. I did not initially intend to share MK. It remained a personal project for my personal research needs. At some point, I changed my mind and elected to share it. MK is not just for genealogy projects. As you have questioned, there are numerous data items MK can collect that do not appear in typical genealogical applications. All data items in MK are there because I’ll use them, I wanted them. For example, prior to starting MK I had started writing two genealogy-related e-books in ePub format. With ePub being a container of HTML/CSS I had this wild idea of moving my writing into MK, and having MK auto-generate specific components (e.g. bibliography). In short, the user needs to define what they want to use in MK and what they want to ignore. And, in each instance, the answer will likely be different.

(05) Number of users? I do not know. I suspect it is small and based on users that have connected me, most have, at a minimum, working knowledge of TW.

(06) There are numerous use cases for MK and some only need a small subset of MK.

(07-09) Good news.

(10-11) Be sure to use the online help. There are many gaps in the help that I need to fill in and correct. And, it needs a good editor.

(12) Notes not importing. Based on your description I think you are referring to GEDCOM Note Records. It is my understanding that Note Structures found in other types of records (such INDI and SOUR) should import as expected. I have writting a ticket to address it.

(13) Photos not imported. I will install GRAMPS and review it.

(14-17) Research projects have defined disciplines that define how sources are captured, evidence collected and conclusions/assertions are written. Genealogy research is no different. However, MK does not force you to use it. Having said that, MK is not a tool to enter people and how they are related. Rather it is a research tool that provides that feature.

(18) TW users have various opinions on how tags are to used.

(19) Too much scrolling. Yes. Use the Open tab to help navigate/scroll the River.

(20) Can you provide examples of duplicate terms?

(21) I had family members with some unique historical automobiles—and I wanted to capture them. Watercraft became the generic term for boat/ship. In my genealogy I track immigration and many of these get tracked down to immigration documents and ship manifest lists. These documents identify the ship. So, I research these vessels as well.

(22-24). Object tag not needed. I understand this. One may argue SOURCE, EVENT and PERSON are not needed either. There are other tags that imply these tags. However, having them sure does help in writing filters. Other tags, like BOOK, are all good examples. This is also true for events and sources. MK supports the user to create their own event and source types. I have not tested the custom objects–I’ll need to review that.

(25-26) MK uses the Simple Search plugin. There is a keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt+F. If you are referring to TW’s Advanced Search, there is a keyboard shortcut too. Shift+Ctrl+A. However, in the latest MK, the Advance Search keyboard shortcut does not work if the tiddler is already open in the River. This is a TW issue and it appears to have been fixed in the latest TW 5.2.5. Therefore, upgrade TW to 5.2.5. Having said this, I think you are asking for a search text box to appear in the sidebar—if so, I’ll add that to my todo list as an optional feature.

(27) Since this started as a personal project I had no intention of supporting other languages. However, maybe at some point, this could be done.

Thank you for the feedback. Aside: you can log specific MK issues here:


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(02) little sorry - my approach is more to understand what happened to my people, how they cope and help me and them to cope better. Just like the Polyvagal Therapy (Stephen W.Porges), or The Untrue Story of You: How to Let Go of the Past that Creates You, and Become Fully Alive in the Present (English Edition) by Bryan Hubbard

(05) so I am: going to gain some knowledge JS, HTML5, CSS,

(06) Usecase : Ok - And I have to checkout what are the posibillities in MK also in tiddlyWiki - the other way around - get my requirements clear, and what can I skip in MK
Weeks ago I tried TiddlyMap. To me it was not possible to unistall it without a trace.

(12) Notes import failed: see the screenshot. (conteind some about a specific Slangsentence my Grandfather would call out, if one not closed the door correct (and the warmth will left the room)
See that picture.

(14-17) thanks for this explanation.

(20) Double of tags: There was a little confusing in my world:
On one side Objects and vehicles, and Vehicles aka Aircraft, Road Vehicles and Watercraft.
On the other side I have Doubles in titles due same Names three times Peter He (Gramps ID I0138, I0040, I0007) In this cases MK was very ‘wise’ and add the GRAMPS ID : big BRAVO to you.

Speaking of tags: During importing my Gramps Gecom File in to MK, MK make some new tags. Fortunately, the new tags all started with small letters.
I’ve put these new tags in red to make them stand out more. see the picture

(22-24) Let me put it here: In order to decide which subset of possibilities in MK I want to use I -unfortunately- have to understand a lot: What do I need? What options does MK offer me? And which of them are useless to me. BUT: What functions can I safely remove? I shy away from that for a number of reasons.

(25-26) yes : search text box to appear in the sidebar

(27) Not needed to take your time: It was only mentioned to inform you that there is a gap when I switch to German. Some core words are translated, some words are not.

have happy and healthy times ( muchos ! )