Funny behaviour with images loaded using _canonical_uri

I have a wiki containing a load of tiddlers loading PDF content from external source using the _canonical_uri facility.

So, one tiddler has the _canonical_uri link to a PDF file and a second tiddler a link to this tiddler to show the PDF file to the user.

When the wiki loads, both tiddlers show the PDF file but if I open the editor facility on the second tiddler and then close the edit, the PDF content disappears from both tiddlers - all I see is a grey box.

This is consistent for all tiddlers showing PDF content.

The wiki is running locally not from any server.

Has anybody else seen this?

TW version 5.2.3 running on Mac OSX Sonoma


Link to screen grabs showing issue: Dropbox - - Simplify your life

Link to the TW file: Dropbox - CentralStreet20240117.html - Simplify your life

Note, the images are stored in an Images folder at the same level as the TW file but it is too large to share (1.1GB). See Dropbox - Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 15.30.23.png - Simplify your life

Forgot to add in the message that this behaviour is not seen if the external file is a JPG image, then it always shows OK


If you are in a position to make a copy and upgrade to the latest version, you will be using a version that has had a number of updates and bug fixes.

  • As a whole tiddlywiki is backwardly compatible and you do not need to use new features.
  • Do check the operation of you plugins after upgrade
  • Do Update the relink plugin as there is a bug with 5.3.x+ if you do not.

The longer approach is to look through GitHub or the release info at to see if it mentions a bug like yours.

  • Or do you have a reason to not upgrade?

This sounds very strange. If I understand correctly, the display problem happens when you edit and then back out of any tiddler that simply transcludes the pdf tiddler (being thus logically downstream from the one with the _canonical_uri field)? And the display problem somehow affects even the upstream _canonical_uri tiddler?

I’ve been working with PDFs quite a bit, and have never seen this behavior. However, I always have them on servers, so if there’s something specific to locally-hosted PDFs I would not have encountered it.

At any rate, I second the suggestion to try updating. If the problem persists after update, does it affect hosted PDFs as well, or just local ones?

After more investigation, the problem appears to be restricted to Sonoma. All browsers I tried, Firefox, Safari and DuckDuckgo, in Sonoma show this behaviour for external PDF’s only.

In OX 10.12.6, the issue does not appear in any browser.

iOS using Quine2, the issue does not appear.

Have upgraded the TW to TW5.3.3 and the issue on Sonoma seems to have disappeared.

Thanks everyone
