I posted this question on Groups and got some tremendous help from John D, but I don’t have it working yet. I want a full-page video background that autoplays on startup. Here’s the code that I have so far; it’s in a tiddler called VideoBackground, and it’s tagged with the following: $:/tags/PageTemplate, $:/tags/StartupAction/PostRender, $:tags/StartupAction.
< style>
.tw-background video{
z-index: -1;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
object-fit: cover;
< /style>
< div class=“tw-background”>
< video autoplay muted loop>
< source src=“videos/VideoBackground.mp4”>
Sorry, your browser doesn’t support embedded videos.
< /video>
< /div>
The video does not autoplay unless I change my browser’s (Edge on Windows 11) autoplay settings to “Allow”. It does load, but doesn’t play. If I edit the VideoBackground tiddler and actually make a change, like adding a character, then when I exit edit mode the video plays just fine.
I put up my Tiddlywiki with the VideoBackground tiddler on the “home” page so that you could look at it if you wish and hopefully help me with a solution: America's Great Loop . Thanks in advance!