From WordPress to TiddlyWiki: data narrative and status report

I have been writing a data narrative on how to migrate from WordPress to TiddlyWiki. As with the previous one on migration from Hugo to TiddlyWiki, it was a pretty fluent process, using the TW’s JSON storage capabilities and TiddlyWikiPharo for the data processing and transformation.

I focused my attention on migrating the GIG members data, going from this members page

and this member page

To this pretty self contained wiki:

And we have the advantages of a local first app, with its open data stored in plain structured files (JSON, STON, Markdeep and Markdown) in a Fossil repository.

Now that the data migration and first tiddler views are complete, I’ll start doing some queries and views on the information with TW’s operators, using the lessons of the migration from Hugo and maybe I’ll be back with some questions and/or advances (as I do most of my data processing on Pharo/Smalltalk, my practice with TW’s operators is low).

Thanks again for such versatile, minimal but extensible tool.

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