Formatting Poetry in Tiddlywiki

What is the simplest method to format poem in Tiddlywiki?

I have attached one! It is a simple stylesheet!

It uses an unordered list (ul) with class .poem

To give a try

Note I have not used a tiddler with $:/tags/Stylesheet If you like to use formatting poetry in TW, tag exmp151/styles with $:/tags/Stylesheet


Tiddler exmp151/demo contains


* Violets are blue.
* This is CSS poetry,
* Nicely rendered for you!
* Browser are Evil,
* While CSS is Good.
* My Code is Crazy,
* Yet it works really Good!

It uses styles from exmp151/styles and produces

Change the stylesheet as you like to meet your requirements.

Ref: Formatting Poetry Using CSS - Mikes Research and Development


Ciao M

Interesting! I VERY much doubt that a poetry site would benefit from having to markup EVERY LINE as <li>. Seems silly! ASSUMES far too much about poetry layout. What about “concrete poetry” for instance?

Poetry, IMO, is much better as free text.

IF I can find the time I will post a more flexible approach.

But it was GOOD you were trying to address everyday users concerns.

Best wishes