For iframe demos, I need access to my locahost on android

Doing some iframe démos between three tiddlywik files, I have no problems to reach one file A from file B and go deep inside on my PC.
But on my Android tablet, I cannot do it because I get the message “no access possible from”.
I understand it is a security concern since there no real reason for my tablet to discuss with itself !
Except if you want to use “iframe”…
Does somebody knows how to supress this interdiction ? Or to get an permit to transgress on a temporary basis ?

I think android security restrictions are manufacturer/model specific.

I had the same problem with locally stored videos displaying in some of my tiddlers.

The only solution for me to date has been the RCX app which gives you simple server functionality it’s simple in terms of use and installation. I use it on my tablet and phone android devices, someone on this forum told me about it a while back.

Thank you Jonnie45,

I tried RCX and another clone (TinyServer) but my Samsung tablet is not willing to play my game. Even if I had put both wikis on a card and on a USB key, the system still considers that they belong to the same localhost and refuses to open these wikis.
So I guess my solution could be to put one file on a local wifi server … or on a real distant FTP server: this works perfectly well but it takes a lot of actions to modify one line of my program and test it again. I will survive !
Thank you.

You need to know ip of your other pc that offers the HTML, like or so. is your local IP

Thank you, but, as I said, it does work perfectly well on a PC or on my Mac.
But not on my Android tablet nor on my smartphone which is also Android.
Even if the app “Tiny Server” permits to make one of its dossiers or the usb key to appear as 192.169.X.Y, the android system responds that this is still and not acceptable.

And I read somewhere (Github I think) that it was working on android 4 and 5, but since version 6 (we are at version 11 now), android engineers have increased the difficulty in order to prevent intrusion by malware…

I would be interested to know from anyone out there who can confirm what Jc_G has read “Android engineers” have increased the difficulty of accessing locally hosted services ( eg on ) or alternatively as I have previously thought that this is something that varies from manufacturer to manufacturer since they all tinker with the base level android product. The reason is that I use and depend on RCX but my antiquated phone will need an upgrade at some point - if the base product of android has turned unfriendly to local hosting then I will need to take that into account. A great pity that manufacturers do not include an option for people who know what they are doing or want to take the risk to over-ride these measures on an app by app basis.