Flexgrid gallery with lightbox


I’m taking some notes on my wiki and I would like to combine flexgrid with lightbox. Currently, the tiddler looks like this:

and when I click on the image, I get the lightbox view with transprent background, which I want to keep, as it gives some context on where the image appears

But, when I click outside the image, to close it, the tiddler looks strangely “up” and I need to scroll down the tiddler to center it again on the screen.

My lightbox gallery CSS was adapted from some codepen, but it is just a half hacked “solution”. I would like to have something like @Mohammad’s flexgrid gallery combined with his lbox macros or some combination of @saqimtiaz’s lightbox and macy plugins.

The idea is to have side by side gallery images that can be enlarged for more detail, while seeing the wiki as a transparent background for context.


Hi! I use external swiper.js library Бесплатный интернет магазин на Гугл таблицах с сайта heeg.ru — Heeg.html

or pure CSS sliders

Or I use your CSS variant but with fixed light box Бесплатный интернет магазин на Гугл таблицах с сайта heeg.ru — Heeg.html

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