First version of Markdown export plugin

Can this export from TiddlyWiki5 server version?

GitHub - oeyoews/tiddlywiki-markdown-importer-cli: tiddlywiki importer/exporter with markdown This repository may be what you want.

You mean something like this?

I just want to say that I really appreciate the Markdown export plugin. It (combined with good old Pandoc) has been much better for sharing individual tiddlers than the static HTML export.


Thanks for reawakening this thread, This related thread was raised TW text formatting for common social media. How? - #5 by TW_Tones

This solution by @cdaven does this conversion from the rendered HTML version that may be fed into Pandoc. However it takes the extra step and converts this to Markdown which is also a Pandoc format available for conversion.

I also made a copy html to clipboard in the past.

The advantages of markdown export includes;

  • It is the method used here in talk.tiddlywiki
  • It is more common than tiddlywiki script (I would like to change this)

However in retrospect I would ask if @cdaven could consider one simple addition to his plugin and that is to provide an additional button, on tiddlers, that copies the markdown format, it currently generates to the clipboard (rather than export). This would allow;

  • Quick per tiddler conversions without needing to access the file system
  • Ease of conversion, then save in a Markdown tiddler in the same or other wiki (using the markdown plugin).
  • Make use of for publishing etc…

@cdaven I just noticed this plugin is hosted on TiddlyWiki version 5.2.3 and unfortunately this includes the bug that can stop the plugin been dragged and dropped, from Chrome to Firefox and possible elsewhere. If it could be updated to a 5.x would help people acquire you plugin more easily.