Filter to return tiddlers tagged with the parent and all the child tags

Say, I have a tag Asia. I have tiddlers tagged with it.

I have two more tags, China and Indonesia. Both tags are tagged with Asia, which makes them child tags of Asia. Several tiddlers are tagged with these child tags.

[tag [Asia]]

This filter only returns tiddlers tagged with Asia; no surprise here. But I want it to show tiddlers tagged with Asia and the child tags, in this case, China and Indonesia.

Which filter should I use to show me all the tiddlers tagged with Asia and all the child tags?

I plan to use such filter in customizing tiddlers’ file paths.

Try this:

{{{ [tag[Asia]] [tag[Asia]tagging[]] }}}




See also this discussion if you’re interested in taking this to more levels of the tag hierarchy.

Have a nice day