Filter tiddlers by multiple tags which are concatenated by a separator in title

I am summarising my reading through combining multiple topics/domains. The title is concatenated by dash (-) from multiple tags (e.g. Topic 1 - Topic 2 - Topic 3) and tags with Doc.

Now I would like to create a macro to add a list of reference (tiddlers) in all tiddlers with tag Doc. The list is filtered by tags (e.g. bibtex-entry, Topic 1, Topic 2 and Topic 3). I am not sure how to create a filter to split the title and them all items as tag. bibtex-entry is a common tag for all reference tiddlers.

Thanks for any suggestions.

@zemoxian if you could give a short list of titles or test tiddlers, we could then depend less on your description and make a working version.

Thanks @TW_Tones I narrowed my questions and created an example. Please imported the attached file into

Filter Operators - String Operators.json (456 Bytes)

Method 1: I can filter tiddler with two tags using filter below.

<<list-links filter:"[tag[Filter Operators]tag[String Operators]]" >>

Method 2: Now I would like to use all tags in current tiddler to filter. However this method select tiddler with tag Filter Operators or String Operators

<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>get[tags]enlist-input[]tagging[]]" >>

Method 3: Similar as method 2, but use title instead of tags. However there are the same problems.

<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>get[title]split[-]trim[]tagging[]]" >>

Now I think the question is how to filter tiddlers which have all tags in a list.

I found a solution by @Mark_S from here: A list containing tiddlers with the same tags as current tiddler?

<$vars hits={{{ [<currentTiddler>tags[]] +[count[]] }}}>
    <$list filter="[<currentTiddler>tags[]tagging[]]-[<currentTiddler>]" variable="eligible" >
        <$list filter="[<eligible>tags[]] :intersection[<currentTiddler>tags[]] +[count[]compare:number:eq<hits>]" variable="rem"  >
            <div><$link to=<<eligible>> /></div>