I’m starting my journey with tiddlywiki and playing with basics.
Let say I have these tiddlers:
Marvelous tiddler
with fielddestination: [[New Mexico]]
Also a good one
with fieldorigin: [[New Mexico]]
with fieldorigin: [[New Mexico]]
Now, in tiddler New Mexico
I can manage to find all tiddlers which reference it by any field with
{{{ [!is[system]search:-title{!!title}] }}}
(although it doesn’t feel the right way) :
* Also a good one
* Marvelous tiddler
* Sleepwalker
But I can’t find a way to retrieve the field name corresponding for sorting:
* Destination: Sleepwalker
* Origin: Also a good one, Marvelous tiddler
Does someone can enlighten me ? Or tell me that I should do another way ?