Filter for all streams root-tiddlers sorted by date

Hi @saqimtiaz ,
Is there an easy way to filter only the root-tiddlers of streams?


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I personally use a default setting for Filter to enable Streams like this [tag[stream]]

So all my tiddlers tagged “stream” are automatically root-tiddlers.

Within every tiddler that is a stream-tiddler you can use the macro <<stream-root-title>> to link back to the root.

See the info about custom filter operators get-stream-root and get-stream-nodes in the docs: Streams — on TiddlyWiki 5.2.2

Not sure if that’s what you need.


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This looks elegant… but somehow I have some sub-nodes in the results.

Odd. My first instinct would be that somehow those tiddlers have malformed fields. Check to make sure they have the field parent with the appropriate value.