Filter based on whether the current title appears as a field in any of another list

How do I filter a list of tiddlers based on whether current title appears in a specific field of any one of another collection of tiddlers

I feel as though this must be easily doable, but I’m stumped. I’m building a wiki for a local political party. For an upcoming election, I’m trying to display a list of candidates by position and party. I have tiddlers tagged "Party" (e.g. “Democratic”, “Republican”, “Independent”, “Green”, “Libertarian”, etc.), and I have a collection of tiddlers tagged “Candidacy”, which look like this:

contest: 2023-General
name: Scott Sauyet
organization: Board of Education
party: Democratic

But some parties will not have candidates in the current election, and I don’t want to waste a whole column of my grid if there are no candidates at all.

Currently, I am creating the table header with code that looks like this:

    <tr><th>Position</th><$list filter="[tag[Party]]"><th class={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</th></$list></tr>

and doing something similar for the body, but I’m wondering how to change that filter ([tag[Party]]) to something that checks if there are any tiddlers tagged "Candidacy" which have a party field of the current title.

I want it to be something like this:

[tag[Party]] :filter[tag[Candidacy]party<currentTiddler>]

But that is yielding no results. Any suggestions?

A temporary version of this is live at 2023 Slate. The relevant tiddler looks like this:

<table class="candidates">
    <tr><th>Position</th><$list filter="[tag[Party]]"><th class={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</th></$list></tr>
<$list filter='[tag[Elected Positions]org-type[elected]]' variable="pos">
    <tr><th>{{{ [<pos>get[title]] }}}</th><$list filter="[tag[Party]]" variable="party"><td class={{{ [<party>get[title]] }}}><<list-links filter:"[tag[Candidacy]party<party>organization<pos>] :map[get[name]]" >></td></$list></tr>

Try this:

[tag[Party]] :filter[all[tiddlers]tag[Candidacy]party<currentTiddler>]

The input to the run prefixed with :filter is only a single title at a time from the previous run(s). So if you want to check all tiddler titles you can override that with the all[tiddlers] operator.

Thank you. As always, thank you!

I was focused on the wrong end of the filter. I know I’ve seen that there are some logging tools for filters. I’m going to have to investigate them.