Fields lenghts and constraints

Hi, Is there any max lenght of tiddler fields? For example, I want to store some callable URL of online generated diagrams, this URL is encoded and may be verry long, for example more than 64K, is it possible to store it in field for example canonical_uri

Theoretically no to my knowledge. The text field is after all just another field. Although it is a text area it is also possible for other fields to be treated that way.

I dont know if they way the canonical field is implemented can handle it. The canonical field is in some ways a matter of convience and its actions implemented another way.

You could put this content in a tiddler and transclude this in any field, if it can handle it.

However your approach makes me think there are opportunities to do this differently. For example extract generic code and store the diagram “text” in a seperate tiddler.

There are diagramming plugins that can also be used.

Perhaps you can explain more about this content you want to put on the field.


The underlying HTML elements <input type=text ...> and <textarea ...> both support minlength and maxlength attributes. But using them will mean you cannot bind them to fields in your tiddler(s).

At least, I’ve never found a way.

As far as I know, there should be no limit.