Hi everyone
I would like to get my static export tiddlers cleaned up so that when I export to static HTML, there are no CSS differences between my standalone TW file and the static HTMLs I publish.
Problems: 1) There is precious little documentation for fine-tuning for exporting static htmls from a standalone. 2) The three shadow tiddlers that control the exporting look like a hurricane blew through them: dense blocks of CSS, followed by alternating slabs of CSS in codeblock and CSS with no codeblock. 3) Editing them is odd because there must be some transcluding going on. What one views in edit is much shorter than what one views in view mode.
For example of a typical problem I face, when I export this tiddler to static html…
…there are items that are not indented correctly. But examining the tiddler itself doesn’t show me where the error is.
I just want to get an idea of where I would even begin to look for the place to make the correction…
Thanks for any help!