Error screen: ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded ?!

It seems Safari and FireFox does not have the problem. So you’ll need Chrome

Sorry I should have confirmed that, yes, like @Naenyn I was using Chrome.

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A little bit of extra info. I thought at first it was related to browser width and it does seem to occur less frequently when the browser is smaller, but it definitely still occurs no matter what size my window is.

Just curious. Has anyone had any luck with this?

Annoyingly, I’m still been unable to replicate the problem on my machine so I’ve not been able to take it any further.

I guess this error needs an old machine with fresh Chrome to work :wink:

Hello all,

I encountered this issue, too.
Could it be that everyone having this issue uses Lastpass?

Best wishes,

Hello @BurningTreeC nice to read from you…

…but no. I never used lastpass…

Any other addin / something that wants to autofill input fields?

I do not see one, just the normal password manager.
My chorme is quite clean because I mostly use ff

Ah ok I see. I wanted to give it a shot though, I had a ResizeObserver issue but now I see that the message is a little bit different than this one. I got the following message and could solve it by disabling Lastpass for certain websites:

resizeobserver loop completed with undelivered notifications.

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