Error saving TW file

  1. I’m using Tiddlywiki 5.2.2 and using Chrome v1.26.0.6478.127 (64-bit) to view and update it. I use the “HTML Native File System Saver” to save it.
  2. All saving was working fine yesterday. The first time I try to save the file today is when things went wrong.
  3. The file is only 5.4MB but located on a network drive.
  4. I updated the Todolist by Mohammed yesterday but saving worked fine yesterday after the update where I did a save and reload.

When I click the save button (red circle with checkmark) I get this error.

“Error while saving: Encountered error while saving to file system: [NotAllowedErro: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context.]”

  1. How do I get this TW file to save?
  2. I need this file on a network drive so it can be accessed by my laptop and 2 other remote desktops I use.
  3. I cannot use Tiddlyhost as all our routers block it. I’m on a VPN, this is for work. This file has all my work notes.

Thank you.


  1. I copied the additions to one Tiddler to a text file (my notes are in Markdown) and saved the text file.
  2. I reloaded the TW file and added back the additions, and saved the file. No error.

I now have my content saved. Any idea what is going on though?

Searching for the full error message always points to discussion about video, or audio playback. So do you use any automatic video or audio playback or something similar?

I don’t have videos in the Tiddlywiki. My TW is 99% text with a few images. I do have another Chrome window open which plays a video for a tutorial I’m doing.

I remember that I had problems this morning after my computer went to sleep for the night and I woke up the computer. And I had to reconnect to our VPN this morning as well, which I do every morning. When I let the laptop sleep I leave all windows open. This works fine 99% of the time but I guess this was the 1% of the time it didn’t work so well.

Others may have better advice, but I would certainly encourage you to export your session’s new tiddlers as JSON, rather than just copying and pasting to a text file.

In Advanced Search, choose Filter. Start with “Tiddlers modified since the wiki was loaded” (which is the [haschanged[]] filter), and then tweak as needed (removing all system tiddlers if you like, or just those that are in $:/temp namespace, etc.).

Export as JSON, and then you can drag the single JSON file (with all of these recent tiddlers encoded in that JSON) to your re-loaded wiki (and import selectively if you suspect any of them to be somehow causing trouble). Of course, you still need to troubleshoot what’s preventing the save. But this is a better “emergency parachute” than trying to copy and paste content from your tiddlers into some kind of text file.

Export as JSON using the export button:



Great idea Springer! In this case I had edited only one tiddler when the whole file “went bad”. I was taking notes for a tutorial I’m doing. So I managed to fix it all.

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