Enlarge the asciimath math formula in the cells in the table

Dear friends:

There does not seem to be support for entering katex syntax “\LARGE{}” into asciimath’s embedded formula

The syntax “bb ()” that uses asciimath’s bold formula (or just text) simply makes the formula bold rather than enlarged

I am not the king of Lilliput and I am not up to the difficult task of reading pocket text

I had to put the idea of solving this problem into simple html code, what better

| <h1>$am$u=sqrt(x)+1$$</h1> |
| <h1>$am$a^2+b^2=c^2$$</h1> |

Any answer will be appreciated

I’m not sure I understand completely.

You can define a css class to apply to any string, including a span-worth of katex:

.big {font-size:200%;}


Does this suit your needs? (If so, put the section between <style> and </style> into a separate tiddler tagged $:/tags/Stylesheet so that you can apply the @@.big … @@ style anywhere, easily.


Thanks a million, my tech gods, this looks perfect, 3 characters less than my


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